Archer Materials Receives Australian Patent for Their 12CQ Quantum Computing Chip

The Australian patent provides Archer with exclusive and legally enforceable commercial rights to the 12CQ chip invention in Australia. The protection provided by the Australian patent system gives Archer the right to stop others from manufacturing, using and/or selling the 12CQ chip technology invention in Australia, and is required for any possible future Australian commercialisation operations.

Archer Materials Validates & Demonstrates Qubit Coherence at Room Temperature, in Non-Vacuum Environment

For the first time, Archer Materials validated that the qubits’ quantum coherence properties‡ are preserved under an inert atmosphere. Quantum coherence is the fundamental requirement for quantum logic operations that are the basis of any quantum computing qubit processor hardware. For potential integration and use of qubit materials in practical chip devices, it is significant to demonstrate and validate qubit robustness at room temperature and under atmospheric environments other than that of air or vacuum.

Archer Granted U.S. Patent for 12CQ Quantum Computing Chip

Archer is developing a world-first quantum computing processor chip technology. Patents protecting the 12CQ chip have now been granted in Japan (ASX ann. 20 Jan 2021), South Korea (ASX ann. 10 Aug 2021), China (ASX ann. 11 Aug 2021), and the US. The patent application process and procedures for the additional patent applications in the jurisdictions of Australia, Europe, and Hong Kong are ongoing.

3rd Time is the Charm: First Japan, Then Korea, Now China, Archer Materials Granted 3rd Patent for Quantum Computing Chip Technology

Chinese patent granted for 12CQ quantum computing chip Highlights Major commercial milestone reached with the grant of a patent protecting the 12CQ quantum computing chip in the world’s second largest economy. Chinese patent for the 12CQ chip is a significant validation of the technology’s industrial and technical global competitive advantage. China has over 2.6 million […]

Achieved! Archer Materials’ 12CQ Chip Provides Electronic Transport Via Single Qubit

Electronic transport in a single qubit achieved Archer Materials Limited (ASX: AXE) is pleased to announce the Company has achieved electronic transport in a single qubit at room temperature, as part of its 12CQ quantum computing qubit processor chip technology development. This achievement is fundamental to the successful development of the 12CQ chip. Highlights:  Archer […]

Archer Materials Limited Reports Progress for the 12CQ Quantum Computing Chip Project

Archer Materials Limited Reports Progress for the 12CQ Quantum Computing Chip Project Archer is one to watch. This section from their quarterly report is reprinted with permission. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Second Quarter Activities Report Quantum Technology The 12CQ Project commenced in April 2019 (ASX Announcement 3 Apr 2019). The Archer team is now […]