Event Horizons Are Tunable Factories of Quantum Entanglement

LSU physicists have leveraged quantum information theory techniques to reveal a mechanism for amplifying, or “stimulating,” the production of entanglement in the Hawking effect in a controlled manner. Furthermore, these scientists propose a protocol for testing this idea in the laboratory using artificially produced event horizons.

Research Breakthrough in Entanglement Could Lead to High-Dimensional Encoding of Quantum Information, Future Quantum Devices

Quantum entanglement—or what Albert Einstein once referred to as “spooky action at a distance”— occurs when two quantum particles are connected to each other, even when millions of miles apart. Any observation of one particle affects the other as if they were communicating with each other. When this entanglement involves photons, interesting possibilities emerge, including entangling the photons’ frequencies, the bandwidth of which can be controlled.

U. Michigan Making Quantum Nanostructures, New Operational Principles Come to Life

$1.8M to develop room temperature, controllable quantum nanomaterials The project could pave the way for compact quantum computing and communications as well as efficient UV lamps for sterilization and air purification. An effort to create quantum semiconductors that operate at room temperature has been awarded $1.8 million by the National Science Foundation. The success of […]

Quantum Correlations at the Macro-Scale: Can We See Them?

One of the most fundamental features of quantum physics is Bell nonlocality: the fact that the predictions of quantum mechanics cannot be explained by any local (classical) theory. This has remarkable conceptual consequences and far-reaching applications in quantum information. However, in our everyday experience, macroscopic objects seem to behave according to the rules of classical physics, and the correlations we see are local. Is this really the case, or can we challenge this view? In a recent paper in Physical Review Letters, scientists from the University of Vienna and the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences have shown that it is possible to fully preserve the mathematical structure of quantum theory in the macroscopic limit. This could lead to observations of quantum nonlocality at the macroscopic scale.

Graphene Valleytronics: Paving the Way to Small-Sized Room-Temperature Quantum Computers

Valleytronics is an emerging field in which valleys—local minima in the energy band structure of solids—are used to encode, process, and store quantum information. Though graphene was thought to be unsuitable for valleytronics due to its symmetrical structure, researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, have recently shown that this is not the case. Their findings may pave the way to small-sized quantum computers that can operate at room temperature.