Quantum Workforce Development All But a Part of U Washington’s Grant from the National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation on Sept. 9 announced it will fund a new endeavor to bring atomic-level precision to the devices and technologies that underpin much of modern life, and will transform fields like information technology in the decades to come. The five-year, $25 million Science and Technology Center grant will found the Center for Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand — or IMOD — a collaboration of scientists and engineers at 11 universities led by the University of Washington.

University of La Plata Research Could Improve Quantum Information System Staying Power

Avoiding environmental losses in quantum information systems Excerpts and salient points ~ + Through new techniques for generating ‘exceptional points’ in quantum information systems, researchers have minimised the transitions through which they lose information to their surrounding environments. + Through new research published in EPJ D, M. Reboiro and colleagues at the University of La […]

ColdQuanta Heats Up with $3.5M to Enable Sophisticated Quantum Tech

ColdQuanta UK Awarded $3.5M to Commercialize New Quantum Technologies Products to be delivered will enable sophisticated quantum sensing and commercial viability for a range of quantum systems ColdQuanta, the quantum atomics company, was selected to provide cold atom quantum technology for three separate efforts underway in the UK: to lead the development of a quantum […]

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S.

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S. The Quantum Information Edge Launches to Accelerate Quantum Computing R&D for Breakthrough Science A nationwide alliance of national labs, universities, and industry launched today to advance the frontiers of quantum computing systems designed to solve urgent scientific challenges and maintain U.S. leadership in next-generation information […]

Creating an Echo Chamber for Quantum Information Systems

Creating an Echo Chamber for Quantum Information Systems Scientists Pave the Way for Quantum Computing by Coupling Magnetization to Superconductivity Excerpts and salient points ~ +  In a recent study, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have created a miniaturized chip-based superconducting circuit that couples quantum waves of magnetic spins […]