RIKEN’s Success Paves Way to Vision of Large-Scale Quantum Computer Within 10 Years

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Quantum entanglement of three spin qubits demonstrated in silicon A three-qubit entangled state has been realized in a fully controllable array of spin qubits in silicon Figure 1: False-colored scanning electron micrograph of the device. The purple and green structures represent the aluminium gates. Six RIKEN physicists succeeded in entangling three silicon-based spin qubits using […]

RIKEN RQC-Fujitsu Collaboration Center Opens, Aims to Bring Superconducting Quantum Computers to Forefront

RIKEN, Fujitsu Launch Collaborative R&D Center in Japan in First Step Toward Realization of Superconducting Quantum Computers RIKEN and Fujitsu today announced the opening of the “RIKEN RQC-Fujitsu Collaboration Center” to promote joint research and development of foundational technologies to put superconducting quantum computers into practical use. More specifically, Riken and Fujitsu will develop hardware […]

RIKEN Physcists Push Closer to Skyrmions as Computing Bits and Data Storage Method

RIKEN Physcists Push Closer to Skyrmions as Computing Bits and Data Storage Method Skyrmions seen in a kagome lattice Magnetic vortices have been made and seen in a crystal with a special structure Figure 1: Electron microscopy image showing a skyrmion lattice in a crystal with an inversion center. The square indicated by the dashed […]

Tokyo Medical and Dental University Proposes Better Method to Isolate Qubits

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Tokyo Medical and Dental University Proposes Better Method to Isolate Qubits A Filter for Cleaner Qubits Researchers at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), RIKEN, and the University of Tokyo propose an improved method for isolating the qubits in a quantum computer from the external environment, which may help usher in the era of […]

RIKEN Research Measures Qubit Spin to 99% Fidelity With Silicon Quantum Dots

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RIKEN Research Measures Qubit Spin to 99% Fidelity With Silicon Quantum Dots Scientists succeed in measuring electron spin qubit without demolishing it Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A group of scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in Japan have succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of an electron in […]

RIKEN Study Explores Quantum Interference Using Silicon with “More accessible temperatures”

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RIKEN Study Explores Quantum Interference Using Silicon with “More accessible temperatures” Quantum interferometry demonstrated in silicon at more practical temperatures Selected notes ~ +  Using a silicon-based transistor similar to those found in everyday electronics, RIKEN researchers have produced a functional quantum ‘qubit’—the quantum equivalent of bits used in conventional computers—that operates above the extremely […]

Hybrid Qubits: Solving Coherence and Initialization Problems

Solving Coherence and Initialization Problems of Qubits with Hybrid Qubits.  Researchers at Japan’s RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science have succeeded in creating a device – an architecture based on semiconductors – for quantum computing which solves two problems plaguing the furtherance of quantum computing.  Speed is critical to developing quantum computers, “First, the device […]