Quantum Computing and Risks to Cyber Security

Quantum Computing and Risks to Cyber Security.  Chief Information Security Officer for Bytes Software Services, Steve Marshall, discusses the influence of quantum computing on cyber security.  Effects he discusses cover post-quantum cryptography, quantum-resistant cryptography, and how quantum computing impacts information security.     Podcast is found here…  

Keeping Quantum Computing Expectations In Perspective

Keeping Quantum Computing Expectations In Perspective.  An educated opinion stating “Given the current state of quantum computing and recent rates of progress, it is highly unexpected that a quantum computer that can compromise RSA 2048 or comparable discrete logarithm- based public key cryptosystems will be built within the next decade…” is brought to us by IEEE […]

= 20 Years to Implement Quantum Resistant Encryption

Less than 20 years to Quantum Supremacy.  20 or More Years to Implement Quantum Resistant Encryption.  Adopting quantum-resistant encryption by your enterprise could take 20 years.  By then, quantum computers could be in the hands of hackers or malicious nation-states.  With your organization’s data and customer privacy in peril. Reference is found at MIT Technology […]