It’s Probably the Most Advanced Quantum Network in the United States

It’s Probably the Most Advanced Quantum Network in the United States Tennessee Utility Uses Quantum Tech for Cybersecurity Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Cybersecurity is a top priority of the U.S. Department of Energy, which is funding the research to help guard against hackers threatening to mess with America’s power grid. In 2018, the […]

Securing Oman’s Power Grid with Quantum-safe Encryption

Securing Oman’s Power Grid with Quantum-safe Encryption ABB’s Quantum-Safe encryption helps secure Oman’s power network Full releaseā€¦ One of the first utility communication networks to be based on Quantum-Safe end-to-end encryption for cybersecurity Today, even the most advanced cybersecurity solutions need to be updated on a regular basis to ensure the exceptional level of security […]

Cybersecurity and Quantum-Resistant Algorithms

Cybersecurity and Quantum-Resistant Algorithms Not a plug for the ISARA corporation, per se, but a pleasant reminder of the ongoing nascent efforts, to distribute quantum-resistant algorithms into the commercial world before the arrival of quantum computers capable of breaking encryption schemes. For those with “long-lived” roots-of-trust devices, such as those found in SCADA or other […]