Experience the Crazy Quantum World

Experience the Crazy Quantum World Mobile game “Kitty Q – a quantum adventure” released worldwide – Nominated twice for an award at launch – Great-granddaughter and grandson of Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger take over patronage The journey into the completely crazy quantum world begins! Teaming up with the cute, half-dead Kitty Q and Anna, […]

Avoiding Postselection in Quantum Measurements

A protocol to explore entanglement dynamics via spacetime duality Read More… +  Researchers at Stanford University have recently carried out a study exploring the role of quantum measurements in many-body dynamics. In their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, they specifically presented a protocol that can be used to realize dynamics that include quantum measurements […]

Quantum Monte Carlo Approach Dubbed Having Unprecedented Accuracy at Acceptable Computing Cost

Artificial Intelligence Solves Schrödinger’s Equation Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin develop a deep learning method to solve a fundamental problem in quantum chemistry A team of scientists at Freie Universität Berlin has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) method for calculating the ground state of the Schrödinger equation in quantum chemistry. The goal of quantum chemistry […]

Schrödinger’s Cat Need Not Worry About Gravity

The Fate of Schrödinger’s Cat Probably Isn’t in The Hands of Gravity, Experiment Finds Read More… +  A number of physicists have wondered if good old gravity is responsible for forcing the particle equivalent of a roulette ball to settle into its metaphorical pocket. That’s looking a little less likely in the wake of a […]

Replacing Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Interpretation, and Much More to Ponder

Replacing Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Interpretation, and Much More to Ponder An atypical work though one which is worth digesting. Doing so will keep your imagination active when considering the quantum unknown. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Has Major Implications for Quantum Theory Read More… +  Renato Renner, […]

Everett’s Cat, Schrodinger’s Cat, Either Way They’ll Both Meow

Everett’s Cat, Schrodinger’s Cat, Either Way They’ll Both Meow There is something to be learned about probability and quantum superposition of states. Read from the source; in the piece, the section titled, “The Story Behind The Story,” has basic, quantum 101. Because Quantum is Coming. Everett’s cat Points to note… +  Ours is a classical […]

Do you Like Cats? Yale Researchers Think They Could Save Schrödinger’s

Do you Like Cats? Yale Researchers Think They Could Save Schrödinger’s Physicists can predict the jumps of Schrödinger’s cat (and finally save it) Read More… +  Yale researchers have figured out how to catch and save Schrödinger’s famous cat, the symbol of quantum superposition and unpredictability, by anticipating its jumps and acting in real time […]

Indian Scientists and Quantum Chemistry Limited by Theory-to-Software Translation

Indian Scientists and Quantum Chemistry Limited by Theory-to-Software Translation IIT Bombay Fellow Developing Quantum Chemistry Based Software Useful For Radiation Therapy Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Recipient of the INSPIRE Faculty Award instituted by Department of Science and Technology,  Dr Achintya Kumar Dutta from IIT Bombay along with his research group is working to […]

Facts Matter. But What is a Fact? Quantum Mechanics Bends the Rules

Facts Matter. But What is a Fact? Quantum Mechanics Bends the Rules Interesting and thought provoking tangent to quantum computing. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Bizarre New Quantum Research: Reality Itself May Be Subjective Excerpts and salient points ~ +  On a quantum level, it’s long been understood that particles can be in several states […]