Mobile Carrier LG U+ Applying Quantum Resistant Cryptography in Pilot Project

LG Uplus tests commercial usefulness of quantum-resistant cryptography technology Points to note… +  LG Uplus (LGU+) has partnered with Cheon Jung-hee, a Seoul National University professor of mathematical sciences who heads Cryptolab, a lab involved in encryption and data security, to commercialize post-quantum cryptography (PQC) technology, which refers to cryptographic algorithms that are thought to […]

Forget the Entanglement; Here’s Quantum Error Correction Without It

Forget the Entanglement; Here’s Quantum Error Correction Without It Quantum error correction assisted quantum metrology without entanglement Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Quantum information science has gained prominence as an area of research in the recent decades. One of the key promises of the field is that the the quantum regime contains intrinsic advantages […]