Mysterious Quantum Links Could Help Lead To Exponential Scale-up

Machine learning, which now powers speech recognition, computer vision, and more, could prove even more powerful when run on quantum computers. Now scientists find the strange quantum phenomenon known as entanglement, which Einstein dubbed “spooky action at a distance,” might help remove a major potential roadblock to implementing quantum machine learning, a new study finds.

Still Don’t Understand Quantum Computing? Step Back to 2014…

Still Don’t Understand Quantum Computing?  Step Back to 2014… Attempting to understand quantum mechanics is very difficult, if not impossible, due to our lack of effort to understand “hard stuff.”  You can’t see it, you can’t smell it, but for billions of dollars, governments, academia, and commercial entities will tell you quantum is coming under […]

Taking Quantum Computing to Students

Taking Quantum Computing to Students Quantum leap into the future of education.  The quantum era will soon be upon us. The changes we will see will far outpace even those we saw in the development of personal computers, smartphones and broadband networking — combined. IBM has already created a commercial quantum computer prototype, the IBM […]

Nothing Spooky About It Says University of Toronto Professor

Nothing Spooky About It Says University of Toronto Professor.  And he’s right.  From the below piece, “This is an entangled state of the two atoms. Neither your atom, nor your friend’s, has a definite energy in this superposition. Nevertheless, the properties of the two atoms are correlated because of conservation of energy: Their energies always […]


Quantum is flashy. So what’s the next step?

Deriving Cybersecurity from Quantum ‘Spookiness’…

Quantum Encryption Banking

Deriving Cybersecurity from Quantum ‘Spookiness’… Fear not the scholarly appearance of this piece. A well presented discussion on spooky action at a distance and the necessity for verification of entanglement of two photons. If the first article looks too in-depth, try the second; it’s geared more toward the layperson. This report is found at Science […]