Is Sydney, Australia, the Next Quantum Valley?

Is Sydney, Australia, the Next Quantum Valley?  The U.S. has Silicon Valley.  Canada has Ottawa’s Quantum Valley.  Now Australia is looking to join the Valley of Valleys.  Though initially reported by The Qubit Report under the topic, Sydney Quantum Academy, March 4, 2019, the spin is being put forth that such an academy could spawn […]

Australia: Creating a Pipeline of Highly Skilled Quantum Workers

Australia: Creating a Pipeline of Highly Skilled Quantum Workers.  (NSW Government)  NSW is set to become a global quantum computing powerhouse with $15.4 million funding from the NSW Government to create the Sydney Quantum Academy (SQA). Minister for Innovation Matt Kean said the SQA is a partnership between the University of Sydney, University of NSW, Macquarie […]

Sydney, Australia’s Quantum Academy

Sydney, Australia’s Quantum Academy Australia has put itself in the quantum race spotlight again this week. New South Wales’ government is in support of a proposed Sydney Quantum Academy. The forward-looking academy hopes to develop the next generation of quantum engineers. It is hoped the academy will aid “the translation of fundamental research into high-tech, […]