Need Ultrafast Information Processing? Try Topological Materials for Ultrafast Spintronics

The laws of quantum physics rule the microcosm. They determine, for example, how easily electrons move through a crystal and thus whether the material is a metal, a semiconductor or an insulator. Quantum physics may lead to exotic properties in certain materials: In so-called topological insulators, only the electrons that can occupy some specific quantum states are free to move like massless particles on the surface, while this mobility is completely absent for electrons in the bulk.

Need Ultrafast Information Processing? Try Topological Materials for Ultrafast Spintronics

The laws of quantum physics rule the microcosm. They determine, for example, how easily electrons move through a crystal and thus whether the material is a metal, a semiconductor or an insulator. Quantum physics may lead to exotic properties in certain materials: In so-called topological insulators, only the electrons that can occupy some specific quantum states are free to move like massless particles on the surface, while this mobility is completely absent for electrons in the bulk.

Beginner’s Guide to Topological Materials

Ever since a new class of ­materials called topological insulators was first created—a discovery that helped win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016—researchers have been intrigued by the possibilities for electronics applications such as ultralow-energy transistors, cancer-scanning lasers­, and free-space communication beyond 5G. Topological insulators’ unusual name stems from their being insulating on the inside and conductive on the outside: […]

Quantum Hall Edge States Defying the ‘Normal’ Disturbances, U.S NIST Investigates

NIST team probes indestructible quantum states that may aid quantum computing They may not be impervious to bullets like Superman, but groups of electrons that gather along the edges of some ultrathin materials have their own superpowers. Defying such disturbances as bending, stretching, the introduction of an external magnetic field, and distortions that wreck the […]

Roadmap for Quantum Materials to be Co-Lead by ICN2

The ICN2 co-leads a roadmap on quantum materials Key points… +  The term “quantum materials” was introduced to highlight the exotic properties of unconventional superconductors, heavy-fermion systems (materials with unusual electronic and magnetic properties) and multifunctional oxides. More recently, the definition has broadened to cover all the materials that allow scientists and engineers to explore […]

There’s a Lot to Topological Materials and the Application to Quantum Computing

There’s a Lot to Topological Materials and the Application to Quantum Computing Randomized measurements reveal topological quantum states Key points… +  Topological materials – materials that have surface properties very different to those found in their bulk – are currently revolutionizing condensed-matter physics thanks to their unique characteristics. Researchers in Austria, France, the US and […]

“Topological Protection” Research at Notre Dame As An Avenue to Improve Quantum Computation

“Topological Protection” Research at Notre Dame As An Avenue to Improve Quantum Computation Research shows evidence of broken time-reversal symmetry in superconducting UPt3 Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Researchers at the University of Notre Dame, in partnership with those at Northwestern University, are a step closer to understanding how superconductors can be improved for […]

Microsoft Quantum Research Unites Academia and Industry

Microsoft Quantum Research Unites Academia and Industry New physics discovery from the Microsoft Quantum team: topology with a twist Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Our teams have been making advances in materials and device fabrication, designing the precise physical environment required to support the topological state of matter. The latest discovery by the team […]

Topological Insulators Found More Fragile Than Thought

Topological Insulators Found More Fragile Than Thought Researchers Explain the Strange Electron Flow in Future Materials Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Electrons race along the surface of certain unusual crystalline materials, except that sometimes they don’t. Two new studies from Princeton researchers and their collaborators explain the source of the surprising behavior and chart […]