Shadow: Majorana Fermion Controversy Calls Into Question Much About Science

Quantum computing’s reproducibility crisis: Majorana fermions We’ll let you decide.  Well worth the read from the source, below.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit. Read More… +  Much is at stake. Majorana particles are in theory their own antiparticles, and were predicted in 1937 by Italian physicist Ettore Majorana. Computer giant Microsoft hopes to use Majorana […]

Topological Magnetics Research Gets Real

Topology Gets Magnetic: The New Wave Of Topological Magnetic Materials Researchers demonstrate new high-throughput method for discovering magnetic topology The electronic structure of nonmagnetic crystals can be classified by complete theories of band topology, reminiscent of a “topological periodic table.” However, such a classification for magnetic materials has so far been elusive, and hence very […]

Topological Quantum Computations From Optical Framed Knots

This is a new one for us to digest here at The Qubit Report. Recommend reading from the source. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit “Classified knots”: uOttawa researchers create optical framed knots to encode information Top view of the framed knots generated in this work.   In a world first, researchers from the University of […]

Quantum-Inspired Practical Applications — Today

Quantum-Inspired Practical Applications — Today Microsoft Says You Can Have Quantum Computing Impact Today Selected notes ~ +  Svore and her Microsoft’s colleagues have been investigating many possible applications of quantum computing, including machine learning. “We have papers showing we can improve deep learning with quantum computing, says Svore (for example, “Quantum Deep Learning”). “We […]

University of Hong Kong Research Pushes the Limits of Topological Quantum Materials

University of Hong Kong Research Pushes the Limits of Topological Quantum Materials Quantum material research facilitates discovery of better materials that benefit our society Points to note… +  A joint research team from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Institute of Physics at Chinese Academy of Science, Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Beihang University in Beijing […]

There’s a Lot to Topological Materials and the Application to Quantum Computing

There’s a Lot to Topological Materials and the Application to Quantum Computing Randomized measurements reveal topological quantum states Key points… +  Topological materials – materials that have surface properties very different to those found in their bulk – are currently revolutionizing condensed-matter physics thanks to their unique characteristics. Researchers in Austria, France, the US and […]

Research: Topological Excitations on Commercial Circuit Boards Possible, and Simple, and Reconfigurable, and Highly Controllable

Research: Topological Excitations on Commercial Circuit Boards Possible, and Simple, and Reconfigurable, and Highly Controllable 4-D electric circuit network with topology Points to note… +  In recent years, topology has emerged as an important tool to classify and characterize properties of materials. It has been found that many materials exhibit a number of unusual topological […]

Niels Bohr Institute Researchers Study Topological Superconductivity; May Enable Majorana Zero Modes as Qubits

Niels Bohr Institute Researchers Study Topological Superconductivity; May Enable Majorana Zero Modes as Qubits Quantum research unifies two ideas offering an alternative route to topological superconductivity Researchers from University of Copenhagen have discovered a new way of developing topological superconductivity that may provide a useful route toward the use of Majorana zero modes as the […]

Research Group Proposes Protocols Which Enable Measurement of Topological Invariants

Research Group Proposes Protocols Which Enable Measurement of Topological Invariants Protocol identifies fascinating quantum states Points to note… +  Nowadays, modern quantum simulators offer a wide range of possibilities to prepare and investigate complex quantum states. They are realized with ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Rydberg atoms, trapped ions or superconducting quantum bits. A particularly […]