The Physical Speed Limit of Computers Is…

The maximum speed of signal transmission in microchips is about one petahertz (one million gigahertz), which is about 100,000 times faster than current transistors. Whether computer chips of this maximum speed can ever actually be produced is, however, questionable.

Exploiting Destructive Quantum Interference

Harnessing Quantum Properties to Create Single-Molecule Devices | Columbia Engineering Novel type of quantum interference enables single-molecule switch with high on/off ratio. Researchers, led by Columbia Engineering Professor Latha Venkataraman, report today that they have discovered a new chemical design principle for exploiting destructive quantum interference. They used their approach to create a six-nanometer single-molecule […]

NSF Dropping Coin to Advance Photonic Quantum Device Research at Rensselaer

NSF Dropping Coin to Advance Photonic Quantum Device Research at Rensselaer NSF CAREER Award Supports Framework for Photons as Quantum Transistors Physicist Esther Wertz Explores Potential Configuration of Device to Hold and Release Photons By Mary L. Martialay As a candidate for the qubits — the basic units of quantum information — in quantum computers, […]