Advancing the Approach to Molecule-Based Quantum Computing

IN2UB team designs a molecule to implement a quantum error correction code One of the challenges in implementing quantum computing is the protection of quantum states that code the information of errors caused by their interaction with the environment. A solution consists on introducing error protection codes. A team from the Institute of Nanoscience and […]

AVaQus to Build Quantum Annealer With Tunable, High-Connectivity, Long Coherence Time Qubits

AVaQus to Build Quantum Annealer With Tunable, High-Connectivity, Long Coherence Time Qubits IFAE coordinates the project AVaQus to develop new quantum computing technologies Full press release… The AVaQus project, coordinated by the newly created  Quantum Computing Technologies group at the Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), at the UAB, is one of the 49 projects […]