Spinning Tunes or Tuning Spins, UC Berkeley Studies Antiferromagnets for Reduced-Size Computing Devices

Spinning Tunes or Tuning Spins, UC Berkeley Studies Antiferromagnets for Reduced-Size Computing Devices Fine-Tuning Magnetic Spin for Faster, Smaller Memory Devices Image:  An exotic magnetic device developed by researchers at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley could further miniaturize computing devices and personal electronics without loss of performance. Scale bar shown above is 10 micrometers (10 […]

Using Your Beats to Cancel the Noise

Stabilising quantum computers with ‘noise-cancelling headphones’ Excerpts and salient points ~ •  Quantum entanglement is a delicate state that requires the particles used for computing, known as qubits, to be insulated from outside vibrations, electromagnetic waves, and kept at incredibly low temperatures… Interference not only messes with the end results, but could ruin the quantum […]

Software-Tailored Architecture for Quantum: First QC W/In 5 Years?

The U.S. National Science Foundation awarded $15M for the Software-Tailored Architecture for Quantum (STAQ) project. STAQ aims to deliver the first quantum computer within 5 years. Collaboration involves a number of academic organizations to include Duke University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, University of California-Berkeley, and several others from around the U.S.