Following Individual Atoms, Real-Time, to Aid Quantum Material Development

Following atoms in real time could lead to better materials design Researchers have used a technique similar to MRI to follow the movement of individual atoms in real time as they cluster together to form two-dimensional materials, which are a single atomic layer thick. This technique isn’t a new one, but it’s never been used […]

Finicky Things! University of Cambridge has Contrieved a Method to Calm the Qubits

Hidden symmetry could be key to more robust quantum systems, researchers find Researchers have found a way to protect highly fragile quantum systems from noise, which could aid in the design and development of new quantum devices, such as ultra-powerful quantum computers. Until we can find a way to make quantum systems more robust, their […]

Nu Quantum Adds to Its Coffers With £2.1M in Funding 

Cambridge quantum tech firm Nu Quantum raises £2.1m +  Quantum photonics firm Nu Quantum has raised £2.1m in Seed funding to accelerate the commercialisation of its hardware. Dr Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, CEO, Nu Quantum, said: “Our aim is to enable the potential of quantum mechanics using quantum photonics hardware. This funding will allow us to do […]

Is There a Lower Limit to Noise-Reduction in Quantum Systems?

Is There a Lower Limit to Noise-Reduction in Quantum Systems? Limits on Purifying Quantum States Read More… +  Quantum information technology could perform certain tasks faster and more securely than classical methods, but noise is a constant obstacle. Several so-called “purification” schemes exist that can lower the noise, and efforts are ongoing to improve them. […]

$800,000+ USD Seed Money Raised by Nu Quantum to Enable Quantum Communications

$800,000+ USD Seed Money Raised by Nu Quantum to Enable Quantum Communications Nu Quantum raises £650,000 pre-seed round Selected notes ~ +  Nu Quantum is building high-performance single-photon sources and detectors that work at room temperature. +  These devices are the building blocks that will enable a range of quantum technologies, the most near-term being […]

Harnessing Spin Through Sound to Power Quantum Computing

Harnessing Spin Through Sound to Power Quantum Computing Quantum state of single electrons controlled by ‘surfing’ on sound waves Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Researchers have successfully used sound waves to control quantum information in a single electron, a significant step towards efficient, robust quantum computers made from semiconductors. The international team, including researchers […]

Cybersecurity, Quantum Key Distribution and the University of Cambridge

Cybersecurity, Quantum Key Distribution and the University of Cambridge.  Quantum leap towards cybersecurity.  The University of Cambridge. When buying an item online, we voluntarily hand over our credit card information. But how do we know that it’s safe? Most sensitive information sent over the internet is secured through encryption, a process that converts information into […]

UK’s UKQN: Testing Quantum Key Distribution with the UK’s Quantum Network

UK’s UKQN: Testing Quantum Key Distribution with the UK’s Quantum Network.  Quantum communications are destined to be the most-secure type of data transfer throughout the globe.  China demonstrated this in 2017 with Micius, their quantum-secure communications satellite.  Now, the UK has brought together the research and subsequent development of the UK Quantum Network (UKQN).  Early […]

Missing Link for Quantum Dots Found: Quantum Memory

Missing Link for Quantum Dots Found: Quantum Memory.  Researchers at the University of Cambridge, St. John’s College, have discovered a method to control electron interaction with nuclear spins.  “Quantum dots are crystals made up of thousands of atoms, and each of these atoms interacts magnetically with the trapped electron.  If left alone to its own […]