If we could not find room for it, time to digest it, or a reason to run it during the past week, we have collected it here.  Not a recap for the week, but a cleanup of pieces we received and just could not get to. 

Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit.

Exploring the ‘dark side’ of a single-crystal complex oxide thin film | Analysis from a team led by Argonne researchers reveals never-before-seen details about a type of thin film being explored for advanced microelectronics.  Source:  Phys.org.  Argonne National Laboratory,  Exploring the ‘dark side’ of a single-crystal complex oxide thin film…

Viewpoint: Quantum Computer Crosscheck | A new experiment demonstrates how to verify the output from one quantum computer by comparing it to the output of a second quantum computer.  Source:  Viewpoint: Quantum Computer Crosscheck.  Steven Flammia,  Viewpoint: Quantum Computer Crosscheck…

Do You Want A Peek Into Sexy Technology? | A friendly introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Do you want a peek into sexy technology?  Source:  Columbuo Telegraph.  Kumar David,  Do You Want A Peek Into Sexy Technology?…

India Plans High-Tech Warfare With 5 New DRDO Labs Focusing AI, Quantum, Cognitive Tech & Smart Materials | India has set sight over high-tech warfare as state-owned military research & development agency, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), has announced that it has launched five new laboratories known as Young Scientists laboratories, each focusing core areas of futuristic technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Quantum Technologies, Cognitive Technologies, Asymmetric Technologies and Smart Materials — object which can change shape, size and behavior upon external stimuli.  Source:  IndianWeb2.  Vardaan,  India Plans High-Tech Warfare With 5 New DRDO Labs Focusing AI, Quantum, Cognitive Tech & Smart Materials…

Adaptability Key to Staying Current with Security Trends | From AI to autonomous vehicles and back-office quantum computing to front-office robots, our world will be turned upside down (again) over the next few years. Smart cities, smart homes and smarter everything else will realign business and public-sector processes and redefine what it means to be tech smart, both at home and at work.  Source:  gt government technology.  Dan Lohrmann,  Adaptability Key to Staying Current with Security Trends…

Columbu CAT 2.0 Caesar Network Coming Soon | CAT 2.0 Caesar network new features and improvements shown as following: The anti-quantum attack keccak-512 hash algorithm replacing the existing SHA series algorithm to reduce the success rate of quantum attack and quantum key distribution.  Source:  DIGITAL JOURNAL.  Press Release,  Columbu CAT 2.0 Caesar Network Coming Soon…

Exploring the “Quantum Revolution” | An undergraduate course taught by Duncan O’Dell, a professor of quantum physics in McMaster’s Department of Physics and Astronomy, is providing students from a number of disciplines with an introduction to the theory behind quantum computing and other rapidly evolving quantum technologies.  Source: McMaster University.  Erica Balch,  Exploring the “Quantum Revolution”…

Legal Tech’s Predictions for Legal Innovation in 2020 | From blockchain and cryptocurrency to new skill sets for lawyers, here’s what lawyers and technologists see as the future of law—coming in 2020. Source:  LAW.COM.  Zach Warren,  Legal Tech’s Predictions for Legal Innovation in 2020…

Opening the Doors for Quantum Computing Applications in Electric Power Grids | Quantum computing to support the journey of building a more resilient, reliable, safe, and secure grid of the future.  Source:  T&D World.  Esa Paaso, Liuxi Zhang, Amin Khodaei, Rozhin Eskandarpour, Shay Bahramirad,  Opening the Doors for Quantum Computing Applications in Electric Power Grids…

Viewpoint: Physics Insights from Neural Networks | Researchers probe a machine-learning model as it solves physics problems in order to understand how such models “think.”   Source:  APS Physics.  Mario Krenn,  Viewpoint: Physics Insights from Neural Networks…

Content may have been edited for style and clarity.