QT Digital Week 2020

Weekly Roundup for the Week Ending May 23, 2020

If we could not find room for it, time to digest it, or a reason to run it during the past week, we have collected it here.  Not a recap for the week, but a cleanup of pieces we received and just could not get to.

Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit

The Top 10 Technology Trends Of The 4th Industrial Revolution | We have never lived in a world of faster and more wide-reaching technology innovations. Our jobs, businesses, and how we operate as societies are being transformed by technology, and the current global pandemic is only fast-tracking the digital transformation. With this post, I want to delve into the top 10 tech trends that are driving the 4th Industrial Revolution, and that will define the next decade.  Source:  Forbes.  Bernard Marr,  The Top 10 Technology Trends Of The 4th Industrial Revolution…

Machine Learning Cracks Quantum Chemistry Conundrum | Artificial intelligence techniques accurately calculate the energy required to make — or break — simple molecules.  Source:  Simons Foundation.  Thomas Sumner,  Machine Learning Cracks Quantum Chemistry Conundrum…

Event Report – IBM Think 2020 – Hybrid Cloud, AI, Quantum and more | Quantum shows momentum. While I have some concerns on many of the IBM offerings and services, I have little to none of them on the Quantum progress that IBM is demonstrating. It shows the traditional hardware DNA still delivers (ok it does for the mainframe as well) and in combination with software is a key differentiator that few other tech giants can compete with. IBM used the digital format to even expand its quantum presence at Think 2020, adding more presentation and sessions on Quantum technology.  Source:  Constellation Research.  Holger Mueller,  Event Report – IBM Think 2020 – Hybrid Cloud, AI, Quantum and more…

Quantum Computing with AI Seen Helping to Advance IoT | While still in a development stage, quantum computing is starting to advance into a new era, where it is poised to accelerate AI and the Internet of Things.  Source:  AI Trends.  AI Trends Staff,  Quantum Computing with AI Seen Helping to Advance IoT…

Quantum classifier with tailored quantum kernel | Source:  npj.  Quantum classifier with tailored quantum kernel…

Quantum Entanglement of 15 Trillion Atoms at 450 Kelvin With “Surprising Results” | Source:  SciTech Daily.  Quantum Entanglement of 15 Trillion Atoms at 450 Kelvin With “Surprising Results”…

Quantum computing will (eventually) help us discover vaccines in days | It might take several decades until a sufficiently large quantum computer capable of simulating molecules as large as proteins will emerge. But when such a computer is available, it will mean a complete revolution in the way the pharma and the chemical industries operate.  Source:  VB.  Ramon Szmuk,  Quantum computing will (eventually) help us discover vaccines in days…

7 Artificial Intelligence ETFs to Buy for Today and Tomorrow | Source:  Nasdaq.  Todd Shriber,  7 Artificial Intelligence ETFs to Buy for Today and Tomorrow…

Registration Open for Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20) | Source:  IEEE Computer Society.  IEEE Computer Society Press Room,  Registration Open for Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE20)…

SK Telecom brings quantum security to the masses | SK Telecom is bringing the security benefits of quantum computing to the masses with the Galaxy A Quantum, the world’s first 5G smartphone equipped with a quantum random number generator chipset.  Source:  ComputerWeekly.com.  Aaron Tan,  SK Telecom brings quantum security to the masses…

In a step forward for orbitronics, scientists break the link between a quantum material’s spin and orbital states | Source:  SLAC National Accelrator Laboratory.  Glennda Chui,  In a step forward for orbitronics, scientists break the link between a quantum material’s spin and orbital states…

A theoretical boost to nanoscale devices | Semiconductor companies are struggling to develop devices that are mere nanometers in size, and much of the challenge lies in being able to more accurately describe the underlying physics at that nano-scale. But a new computational approach that has been in the works for a decade could break down these barriers.  Source:  Nanowerk News.  Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,  A theoretical boost to nanoscale devices…

Quantum Gases Won’t Take the Heat | Source:  Brookhaven National Laboratory,  Quantum Gases Won’t Take the Heat…

Trapped ion quantum computing turns 25 | Source:  nature.  Lulia Georgescu,  Trapped ion quantum computing turns 25…

Observing the path less traveled boosts quantum gain | Source:  PHYS.ORG.  Anna Demming,  Observing the path less traveled boosts quantum gain…

Physicists develop world’s best quantum bits | Source:  University of California.  Stuart Wolpert,  Physicists develop world’s best quantum bits…

Inside big tech’s high-stakes race for quantum supremacy | Source:  Wired.  Amit Katwala,  Inside big tech’s high-stakes race for quantum supremacy…

Light, fantastic: The path ahead for faster, smaller computer processors | Source:  Science Daily.  University of Sydney,  Light, fantastic: The path ahead for faster, smaller computer processors…

New setup for high-throughput electrical measurements of quantum materials and devices | QuTech, a collaboration between TU Delft and TNO, has demonstrated a novel setup for fast turnaround testing and validation of quantum materials and devices. The setup uses ordinary electronic chip components that can operate at extreme cryogenic temperatures, and can be readily integrated in any type of cryostat.  Source:  PHYS.ORG.  QuTech,  New setup for high-throughput electrical measurements of quantum materials and devices…

Microsoft’s Quantum-Computing Services Attract New Customers | Japanese companies Toyota Tsusho Corp. and Jij Inc. are using Microsoft Corp. quantum computing services over the Azure cloud to experiment with ways to solve problems related to traffic congestion.  Source:  THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.  Sara Castellanos,  Microsoft’s Quantum-Computing Services Attract New Customers…

Scientists use light to accelerate supercurrents, access forbidden light, quantum properties | Scientists are using light waves to accelerate supercurrents and access the unique properties of the quantum world, including forbidden light emissions that one day could be applied to high-speed, quantum computers, communications and other technologies.  Source:  Iowa State University News Service.  Jigang Wang and Mike Krapfl,  Scientists use light to accelerate supercurrents, access forbidden light, quantum properties…

Transformative technologies and Slovakia’s path towards an innovative economy | Accelerating innovation puts great demands on the private sector and its ability to adapt and to fully benefit from new technologies, as well as on political leadership striving to create an environment where innovative economy can flourish. We’ve decided to approach experts on the topic of innovation from the private as well as the public sphere, to find out which technology trends they perceive as most impactful for the near future and where do they see Slovakia’s advantages and shortcomings in the digital era.  Source:  The Slovak Spectator.  AmCham Slovakia,  Transformative technologies and Slovakia’s path towards an innovative economy…

Quantum Computers Challenge Blockchain’s Invincibility: What To Do Now | Timelines for the emergence of quantum computers may be fuzzy, but the threat they pose to the vaunted security of blockchain technology is profoundly real. Originally popular as fail-safe security for bitcoin enthusiasts, blockchain is making inroads across numerous industries, most notably as a track and trace tool proving the provenance of goods across vast supply chains. Blockchain-based security may be even more valuable in managing supply and demand shocks during the pandemic and after. However, as blockchain services grow and quantum computers begin to emerge, now is the time to start thinking about quantum-resistant blockchain.  Source:  Forbes.  Susan Galer,  Quantum Computers Challenge Blockchain’s Invincibility: What To Do Now…