Weekly Roundup for the Week Ending May 1, 2021

If we could not find room for it, time to digest it, or a reason to run it during the past week, we have collected it here.  Not a recap for the week, but a cleanup of pieces we received and just could not get to.

Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit

Business & Industry

GESDA to hold inaugural summit in October for global diplomacy initiatives based on emerging science breakthroughs | At the summit, GESDA will unveil its Breakthrough Radar, a proprietary decision-making tool that assesses the impact and momentum of future scientific advances, along timeframes relevant to GESDA (five, 10 and 25 years), in four scientific frontier issues: the quantum revolution and advanced artificial intelligence (AI); human augmentation; eco-regeneration and geoengineering; as well as anticipatory science and diplomacy. The Breakthrough Radar is designed to provide an easy-to-read mapping of potential scientific breakthroughs and their possible impacts on people, society and the planet. Based on this anticipatory scientific scouting, GESDA is pushing to develop, in Geneva, solutions to address current and forthcoming global challenges…  Source: PR Newswire (asia one). gesda  GESDA to hold inaugural summit in October for global diplomacy initiatives based on emerging science breakthroughs…

Cybersecurity & Cryptography

Are We Doomed to Repeat History? The Looming Quantum Computer Event Horizon | As we race to quantum computing, we’ll see another, and perhaps the greatest, fundamental shift in the way computing is done. Quantum computers promise to deliver an increase in computing power that could spur enormous breakthroughs in disease research, understanding global climate, and delving into the origins of the universe.  Source: Electronic Design. Helena Handschuh  Are We Doomed to Repeat History? The Looming Quantum Computer Event Horizon…

OIST Quantum/Cyber Security Initiative: The Science, the Opportunities, and the Real-World Challenge | Asia Society Japan Center and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) are jointly holding a breakfast seminar on quantum technology and its future impact on information security entitled “OIST Quantum/Cyber Security Initiative: The Science, the Opportunities, and the Real-World Challenge” . It will be a morning program with 3 presentations and QA session. For those attending onsite, breakfast will be served with networking opportunities.  Source: Asia Society. Asia Society Japan Center & OIST  OIST Quantum/Cyber Security Initiative: The Science, the Opportunities, and the Real-World Challenge…

Science & Research

Can our brains help prove the universe is conscious? | As humans, we know we are conscious because we experience and feel things. Yet scientists and great thinkers are unable to explain what consciousness is and they are equally baffled about where it comes from. + “Consciousness — or better, conscious experience — is obviously a part of reality,” said Johannes Kleiner, a mathematician and theoretical physicist at the Munich Center For Mathematical Philosophy, Germany. “We’re all having it but without understanding how it relates to the known physics, our understanding of the universe is incomplete.”  Source: SPACE.com. David Crookes  Can our brains help prove the universe is conscious?…

Government & Policy

Quantum ethics project awarded DFAT grant | The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has awarded the Centre for International Security Studies (CISS) $800,000 over two years to develop accords for the ethical use of quantum technologies.  Source: The University of Sydney. Elissa Blake  Quantum ethics project awarded DFAT grant…

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At The Qubit Report, our mission is to promote knowledge and opinion of quantum computing from the casual reader to the scientifically astute.  Because Quantum is Coming.

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