Rigetti Funded Research Yields High-fidelity, Coherence-limited Sweet Spot

Rigetti Funded Research Yields High-fidelity, Coherence-limited Sweet Spot.  Research funded by quantum computer leader Rigetti has demonstrated a high-fidelity, coherence-limited, parametrically-activated, two-qubit gate on a multi-qubit architecture having direct modulation of the tunable qubit. The device involved was designed to work in a general purpose multi-qubit configuration – “it is not a one-off design exploiting favorable […]

Crystals Coupled with Current Fiber-optic Links for Low Loss Quantum Information Transfer

Crystals Coupled with Current Fiber-optic Links for Low Loss Quantum Information Transfer.  For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that crystals manufactured by lasers within a glass matrix maintain full ferroelectric functionality.  What does this do for quantum computing? Applications for the technology include use in current fiber optics used for data transmission – an […]

Moore’s Law Nearing Its End; What Could Replace Silicon?

Moore’s Law Nearing Its End; What Could Replace Silicon?  Gallium oxide, graphene, carbon nanotubes.  Sound familiar?  Maybe, probably not.  Quantum computing has a lot of focus in the media and without question, gains toward achieving quantum supremacy are occurring often.  However, not all are believers that ‘quantum is coming’; at least anytime soon. If not […]

60 Carbon Atoms Contain an Entire Quantum Computer

60 Carbon Atoms Contain an Entire Quantum Computer; or so might one think, if fully understanding and controlling the buckminsterfullerene were to come to fruition.  The most symmetric molecule known, the “buckyball” is both small enough to observe quantum mechanical principles and large enough to be considered a “huge system.”  Just how huge is this […]