Is Sydney, Australia, the Next Quantum Valley?

Is Sydney, Australia, the Next Quantum Valley?  The U.S. has Silicon Valley.  Canada has Ottawa’s Quantum Valley.  Now Australia is looking to join the Valley of Valleys.  Though initially reported by The Qubit Report under the topic, Sydney Quantum Academy, March 4, 2019, the spin is being put forth that such an academy could spawn […]

Controlling Qubit Stability

Controlling Qubit Stability.   Keeping a quantum bit [qubit] stable is one of the key challenges to scaling, and really making functional, quantum computers.   Maintaining stability, i.e. the data contained in a qubit is the key to a quantum computer’s power.   “Energy losses take the state of the qubit from 1 to 0, destroying […]

How CipherLoc “Future Proofs” Encryption

How CipherLoc “Future Proofs” Encryption.  The below diagram and high-level protocol steps are from CipherLoc’s materials at their website.  We found it worthwhile to repost here, with appropriate links back to the provider, CipherLoc.   Security strength can be vastly improved via a variety of easy-to-deploy techniques: 1)  Randomize the types of encryption algorithms used […]

India Aims to Emulate China in Technological Reform, Quantum Computing

India Aims to Emulate China in Technological Reform.  India’s Principal Scientific Adviser, K Vijay Raghavan, detailed nine science and technology missions with the goal of promoting India’s internal research and development.  In comparing the country to the U.S. and China, India’s government has noted the “meteoric” increase in China’s research and development citations and abstracts.  China’s […]