Commercially Available 4-Qubit Quantum Processor Provides Cryptographic Security

Commercially Available 4-Qubit Quantum Processor Provides Cryptographic Security.  Cambridge Quantum Computing (“CQC”), a leader in quantum computing technologies, will be demonstrating “IronBridge” – the world’s first commercially available certifiable Quantum Cryptographic Device – in booth # 1847C at this year’s RSA Conference in San Francisco. Visitors to the CQC booth will be able to learn […]

U.S. Army to Leverage Quantum Sensing’s “Nonintuitive Properties”

U.S. Army to Leverage Quantum Sensing’s “Nonintuitive Properties.”  Entanglement, wave-particle duality, superposition:  These properties are key to quantum sensing.  And the U.S. Army intends to leverage these properties for national defense applications. “Quantum sensing uses some nonintuitive properties of nature to measure things like time, magnetic fields, gravity, or acceleration,” explains Paul Kunz, a scientist […]

The World’s Computing Power Outstripping Earth’s Ability to Provide It; Quantum Computing May Make All the Difference

The World’s Computing Power Outstripping Earth’s Ability to Provide It; Quantum Computing May Make All the Difference.  Imagine having a classical computer, a supercomputer, which demands 1/2 of the output of the average U.S. hydroelectric plant to function.  Tianhe-2, the most-energy consumptive computer on the planet gobbles up just that — 18 megawatts.  The average […]

Demystifying Quantum Cryptography

Demystifying Quantum Cryptography.  Time and again, we remind ourselves at The Qubit Report just how does quantum computing work?  What makes quantum cryptography so secure?   A recent piece from EXTREME TECH author David Cardinal puts together a concise piece demystifying quantum cryptography.   “Quantum cryptography holds both promises and threats for our current cryptographic infrastructure.  […]