Maryland’s IONQ Quantum Computer Outperforms Classical Systems

Maryland’s IONQ Quantum Computer Outperforms Classical Systems.  Having announced the simulation of water molecules via its trapped ion quantum computing system this past December, IONQ revealed on March 24th the capability of their system yet again.  This time, they are releasing results showing performance in solving complex equations of 78% and 35% wherein classical systems […]

NIST Publishes “How-to” for Shifting Cryptographic Methods ala Protect Systems from Quantum Computing

NIST Publishes “How-to” for Shifting Cryptographic Methods Ala Protect Systems from Quantum Computing.  Last week the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology released Special Publication 800-131A Revision 2, “Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths”.  The document addresses not only the possibility of new cryptanalysis, but also the increasing power of classical […]

Fujitsu’s Quantum Annealer, Cloud Computing, and the Automotive Industry

Fujitsu’s Quantum Annealer, Cloud Computing, and the Automotive Industry.  Quantum computing in the automotive industry is already showing signs of taking shape.  Volkswagen is conducting traffic management studies alongside battery efficiency research and Daimler is engaged with Google on related quantum computing efforts. Enter Fujitsu. “Fujitsu is rolling out technology that offers the advantage of quantum […]