UK’s UKQN: Testing Quantum Key Distribution with the UK’s Quantum Network

UK’s UKQN: Testing Quantum Key Distribution with the UK’s Quantum Network.  Quantum communications are destined to be the most-secure type of data transfer throughout the globe.  China demonstrated this in 2017 with Micius, their quantum-secure communications satellite.  Now, the UK has brought together the research and subsequent development of the UK Quantum Network (UKQN).  Early […]

Encrypted Data is Secure Today. But Will it be Crackable with Quantum Computers?

Encrypted Data is Secure Today.  But Will it be Crackable with Quantum Computers?  Not all encryption will be readily crackable with quantum computers.  “Symmetric encryption can be decrypted using the same key that was used to encrypt it, while asymmetric encryption requires one key (the public key) to encrypt and another key (the private key) […]

Arab World Looking to Quantum Computing to Keep Up with Cryptography and Biomedicine

Arab World Looking to Quantum Computing to Keep Up with Cryptography and Biomedicine.  Investing in research and development is only the tip of the iceberg.  A broader scope is being called for to keep from being left behind. Arab World.  Extract:  …to get to the next level of computing we’ll need machines with thousands, if […]

South Africa: Intends not to be a Spectator of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

South Africa: Intends not to be a Spectator of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  Inaugural economic summit hosted by the KwaZulu-Natal government in South Africa shows country’s determination to excel in quantum computing.  South Africa.  Extract:  As KZN, we do not intend to be spectators in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The records indicate that the move […]