Feeling Unprepared for Quantum Computing Technology Implementation?

Feeling Unprepared for Quantum Computing Technology Implementation?  So are a lot of others.  Quick data points from SolarWinds points out nearly half of “tech pros” feel unprepared for quantum computing management.  Probably the same pros who have heard about quantum computing.    Unprepared Feelings.  Extract:  When it comes to the idea of implementing or managing […]

Skyrmions for Unlimited Data Storage and Quantum Computing

Skyrmions for Unlimited Data Storage and Quantum Computing.  With the prevalence of nearly unquantifiable data-sets and the limited data storage capabilities, the use of skyrmions is postulated as proving the next generation of data storage.  Limitless data storage, combined with big data analytics, and the advent of quantum computing, artificial intelligence and other disruptive technologies […]

“Physical Realm” Test and Patent Law is Pending Problem for Quantum Computing

“Physical Realm” Test and Patent Law is Pending Problem for Quantum Computing.  Though our title may be a tongue-twister or humorous, or both, the issue is not, either.  This issue bears watching.  Concern should be with all of us in quantum computing or emerging technology.  Qubit. Fix 101.   Excerpt:  On March 8, Foster Pepper […]

Quantum Secure Video Messaging Showcased

Quantum Secure Video Messaging Showcased.  End-to-end video message solution secured with quantum key distribution coming to fruition.  The UK’s quantum network launch will be the ideal testbed for the quantum network. QuintessenceLabs, Tech Mahindra and BT have teamed up to provide this reality. London, March 26th, 2019.  Full release: QuintessenceLabs, Tech Mahindra and BT are […]