U.S. DoE Sets Aside $40M for Quantum Computing Algorithms and Software Development

U.S. DoE Sets Aside $40M for Quantum Computing Algorithms and Software Development.  Developers throughout the U.S. stand to gain much from this new U.S. initiative. $40 Million for Developers.  The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide $40 million for research aimed at developing new algorithms and software for quantum computers. The […]

National University of Singapore and the Centre for Quantum Technologies Entangling Photons for Cybersecurity

National University of Singapore and the Centre for Quantum Technologies Entangling Photons for Cybersecurity.  New methods for photon wavelength production show promise in sending entangled photons through common commercial fiber optics networks.  Singapore.  Excerpts:  “The technique works by carefully designing the photon source to create pairs of light particles with colors either side of a […]

Strangeworks to Bring Quantum Computing Community Together

Strangeworks to Bring Quantum Computing Community Together.  Whurley, Willian Hurley, founder and gray-matter behind Strangeworks, continues to embark upon the path of bring quantum computing’s global community together and take it to the people.  He’s no stranger to creating start-ups.   Qubit. Not so Strange.  Excerpts:  Strangeworks has created a community platform, which it announced at […]

Taking the First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing

First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing.  The Hudson Institute has released a succinct guidebook tailored to an organization’s executive leadership.  The guidebook asks and answers numerous, pertinent questions on the topic of quantum computing’s threat to data encryption and what an organization can do, now, to start to mitigate this threat.  What […]