Cloud Computing, Data Centers, D-Wave, and Quantum Computers

Is Quantum Computing the Answer to Future Data Center Innovation? Excerpts and salient points ~ •  Speaking during a keynote address at this week’s Glue Conference 2019 event, Murray Thom, vice president of software and cloud services at D-Wave Systems, laid out ways that quantum computing could power the next wave of software innovation. He […]

U.S. Air Force Tests Quantum Communication; Quantum Key Distribution

Air Force Research Laboratory demonstrates world’s first daytime free-space quantum communication enabled by adaptive optics.  The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Starfire Optical Range (SOR) recently demonstrated quantum communication in daylight under conditions representative of space-to-Earth satellite links. “This is the world’s first such demonstration, integrating quantum communication with a novel filtering technique enabled by […]

Using Your Beats to Cancel the Noise

Stabilising quantum computers with ‘noise-cancelling headphones’ Excerpts and salient points ~ •  Quantum entanglement is a delicate state that requires the particles used for computing, known as qubits, to be insulated from outside vibrations, electromagnetic waves, and kept at incredibly low temperatures… Interference not only messes with the end results, but could ruin the quantum […]