High Performance Computing Simulating Quantum Computing

High Performance Computing Simulating Quantum Computing What’s New in HPC Research: Quantum Computing, Cold Plate Cooling, Smartphones & More …HPCwire highlights newly published research in the high-performance computing community and related domains. From parallel programming to exascale to quantum computing, the details are here.  Simulating quantum computing on a heterogeneous HPC…   …Quantum computing simulations […]

Boosting Efforts to Create Reliable Photonic Quantum Computing, Quantum Key Distribution

Boosting Efforts to Create Reliable Photonic Quantum Computing, Quantum Key Distribution This image shows a false-color scanning electron micrograph of the array used to create place single-photon sources in epitaxial tungsten diselenide. Inset shows the Hanbury-Brown Twiss interferometry measurement proving quantum emission. An innovative method for controlling single-photon emission for specific locations in 2D materials […]

Silicon for Quantum Computing Uses

Silicon for Quantum Computing Uses Battle of the Elements: silicon builds digital revolution from sand Silicon is the element that driven the biggest changes in our modern lives. Silicon chips in computers, phones, and all sorts of other gadgets have revolutionized both the way we work and the way we play, while optical fibres made […]

Training Workers for Quantum Computing

Training Workers for Quantum Computing Quantum Computing 101: Brilliant, Google, Microsoft Training Workers Excerpts and salient points ~ +  From Microsoft and IBM to Alphabet’s unit X and Canada’s D-Wave Systems, companies are racing to build powerful quantum computers that may solve problems beyond the capacity of the most sophisticated conventional processors, and do it […]

Algorithms and Solutions on a Quantum Annealer

Algorithms and Solutions on a Quantum Annealer Box algorithm for the solution of differential equations on a quantum annealer Author(s): Siddhartha Srivastava and Veera Sundararaghavan.  Differential equations are ubiquitous in models of physical phenomena. Differential equations are ubiquitous in models of physical phenomena. Applications like steady-state analysis of heat flow and deflection in elastic bars […]