Underscoring “Technological Supremacy and Geopolitical Power” with Quantum Computing

Underscoring “Technological Supremacy and Geopolitical Power” with Quantum Computing Cease-fire in US-China trade war not expected to bridge differences Excerpts and salient points ~ +  [W]hen US and Chinese negotiators sit down to work out details, the same difficult task remains: getting China to convince the United States that it will curb its aggressive push […]

EU Nations Agree to Study Quantum Computing Infrastructure

EU Nations Agree to Study Quantum Computing Infrastructure The future is quantum: EU countries plan ultra-secure communication network Excerpts and salient points ~ +  7 EU countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, and Spain) signed a declaration agreeing to explore together, over the next 12 months, how to develop and deploy a quantum […]

Government of Canada Adding $5M for Disruptive Tech Incubator

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Government of Canada Adding $5M for Disruptive Tech Incubator FedDev Ontario supports electronics hub in southern Ontario Excerpts and salient points ~ +  This project will support companies that produce the foundational technology for high growth areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and quantum computing, which are playing a key role as we […]

Archer Exploration Fills Coffers for Quantum Computer Chip Research and Development

Archer Exploration Fills Coffers for Quantum Computer Chip Research and Development Sugarloaf land sale completed +  Highlights: ~ Completion of sale of Sugarloaf farm land. ~ Archer has received $1.35 million cash from purchasers. ~ After receipt of funds, Archer has over $2.0 million in cash and is well funded to develop its Advanced Materials […]

Designing and Controlling Quantum Computers with AI

Designing and Controlling Quantum Computers with AI Thanks to AI, we know we can teleport qubits in the real world Excerpts and salient points ~ +  The phenomenon of qubit transfer is not new, but this work, which was led by Enrico Prati of the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies in Milan, is the first […]

“Really sloppy” Semiconductor Manufacturing Won’t Suffice in Quantum Computing’s Development

“Really sloppy” Semiconductor Manufacturing Won’t Suffice in Quantum Computing’s Development Interesting commentary. Though provided by a manufacturer of atomically precise manufacturing (APM) equipment, anyone with a background in solid-state devices will find truth to what is being stated. Cleaning up the semiconductor processes should go a long way in getting first-gen quantum computing chips to […]