Discussion of Cryptography, the Quantum Computing Threat, and What NIST Is Doing for Us

Discussion of Cryptography, the Quantum Computing Threat, and What NIST Is Doing for Us Cryptographers scramble to protect the internet from attackers armed with quantum computers Excerpts and salient points ~ +  A full-fledged quantum computer is still years, if not decades, away. But developers have long thought that its killer app will be decoding […]

Fujitsu is Working Toward 1M Qubit Quantum Annealer

Fujitsu is Working Toward 1M Qubit Quantum Annealer A rather comprehensive description of Fujitsu’s quantum annealing systems and aspirations. Granted, it is brought to you by Fujitsu, effectively. The piece provides a backdrop on the quantum annealing aspect of quantum computing. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Fujitsu Has a 1 Million Qubit Digital Emulated Quantum […]

IBM Applies for Patent of “Quantum Computing Device Design”

IBM Applies for Patent of “Quantum Computing Device Design” The list of claims is much longer than we are presenting here. Interesting read. Provokes some thoughts as to where IBM is heading. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. “Quantum Computing Device Design” in Patent Application Approval Process (USPTO 20190236218): International Business Machines Corporation In brief… +  […]

Argument Against Quantum Computing to Be Presented, Today

Argument Against Quantum Computing to Be Presented, Today The Argument Against Quantum Computers Upcoming briefing on August 22… +  We [CERN] give a computational complexity argument against the feasibility of quantum computers. We identify a very low complexity class of probability distributions described by noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers, and explain why it will allow neither […]