Using Quantum Error to Measure Your Environment

Using Quantum Error to Measure Your Environment Exploring mysteries of the universe Selected notes ~ +  Gravitational waves from distant neutron stars are difficult to detect. Right now, gravitational waves can be detected at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana. LIGO has been developed over decades with the efforts […]

Speeding Up A Quantum Computer’s Compiler

Speeding Up A Quantum Computer’s Compiler New compiler makes quantum computers two times faster Key points… +  To match the constraints of current and near-term quantum computers, a new paradigm for variational quantum algorithms has recently emerged. These algorithms tackle similar computational challenges as the originally envisioned quantum algorithms, but build resilience to noise by […]

“Quantum Supremacy” Achieved Through America’s Unparalleled Innovation Ecosystem

“Quantum Supremacy” Achieved Through America’s Unparalleled Innovation Ecosystem Google has received ample ogling the past several days.  Lest we forget, it’s the U.S. free market, government, academia, and industrial sectors which collectively resulted in this feat; it was all competitor’s “Sputnik Moment”.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit. How America Achieved “Quantum Supremacy” Key points… +  […]

IBM and San Jose State Collaborating on Quantum Computing Workforce Skills

IBM and San Jose State Collaborating on Quantum Computing Workforce Skills IBM And San Jose State Partner To Advance Tech Education Excerpts and salient points ~ +  The strategic skills-based collaboration, the first of its kind on the west coast, will feature three key components on campus: IBM Academic Initiative, SJSU Technology Office, and IBM […]

Quantum Photonics All On A Single Chip – Photon Source, Photon Processor, and Photon Detector

Quantum Photonics All On A Single Chip – Photon Source, Photon Processor, and Photon Detector Pushing Quantum Photonics Excerpts and salient points ~ +  UC Santa Barbara engineer Galan Moody, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has proposed a solution to overcome the poor efficiency and performance of existing quantum computing prototypes that […]