Perfect Secrecy out of Chaos? Not so Fast.

Perfect Secrecy out of Chaos? Not so Fast. Original claim is found in The Qubit Report, “Out of Chaos, Perfection”.  The below captures skeptical responses to the concept of perfect secrecy from chaos.  The whole piece from the source, below, is worth reading.  Skepticism is found toward the second half.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubut. […]

Applications for Quantum Computing’s Use Broaden – Microsoft, Case Western Reserve University

Applications for Quantum Computing’s Use Broaden – Microsoft, Case Western Reserve University Why Do We Want a Quantum Computer? Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Some of the world’s most technical challenges, including encrypting sensitive data, building natural language systems in computers, and figuring out the most cost-effective and fuel-efficient routes for delivery vehicles, are […]