RSA, NIST, and Quantum Computing: The Cause and Cure of All the World’s Problems

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] RSA, NIST, and Quantum Computing: The Cause and Cure of All the World’s Problems Kevin Townsend presents a good argument for taking action on the spectre of quantum computing. With its slow approach, our slower approach to becoming crypto-agile may be overtaken. This would not bode well for today’s encryption, almost regardless of strength. […]

Tuning Your Quantum Computer by Taking the Human out of the Loop

Tuning Your Quantum Computer by Taking the Human out of the Loop AI automatic tuning delivers step forward in Quantum computing Key points… +  In prototype semiconductor quantum computers, the standard way to correct these imperfections is by adjusting input voltages to cancel them out. This process is known as tuning. However, identifying the right […]

Yokohama National University is Getting Your Entangled Photons Further Through Fiber Optics

Yokohama National University is Getting Your Entangled Photons Further Through Fiber Optics Quest for quantum Internet gets a boost with new technique for making entanglement Traditional ways of producing entanglements, necessary for the development of any “quantum internet” linking quantum computers, are not very well suited for fiber optic telecoms networks used by today’s non-quantum […]