QuintessenceLabs’ Entropy as a Service Provides Speedier Randomness

QuintessenceLabs Introduces New Quantum Entropy Management Solution New qStream Plus solves fundamental cybersecurity challenge for enterprises Why Should I Worry About Entropy? Entropy, also known as randomness, is the anchor beneath much of the world’s security. Poor-quality entropy compromises security, while low speed entropy compromises performance, and all too often organizations must make a Solomon’s choice […]

Australia’s Foreign Investment Rules May be Changing, Potential Upset to Quantum Computing Endeavors Down Under

Foreign investment shake-up could be fatal to startups Key points… +  Proposed changes to Australia’s foreign investment rules could prove fatal for some Australian startups, with quantum computing and cybersecurity outfits particularly worried about the measures choking off their access to funding. Mr Biercuk said he understood that critical infrastructure and assets related to existing […]

Luck of the Irish or Quantum Technology Prowess?

Ireland: A superpower in quantum technology? Points to note… +  We are now standing on the threshold of what is being called the quantum revolution and Ireland is well placed to lead it, according to Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) deputy director Ciarán Seoighe. This revolution will see the full power of quantum technology harnessed to […]