Nanodiamonds and Plasmons; These Apply to Quantum Computers

Nanodiamonds and plasmons are aiding further studies in controlling dissipation, a process which causes loss of quantum information in current quantum systems. The goal is to create experimental platforms which allow studies resulting in methods for greater control of quantum dynamics within materials. Results may also lend to furthering quantum computing and quantum materials advancement. This and other research being conducted in the quantum computing realm are also discussed.

An electron beam (teal) hits a nanodiamond, exciting plasmons and vibrations in the nanodiamond that interact with the sample’s nitrogen vacancy center defects. Correlated (yellow) photons are emitted from the nanodiamond, while uncorrelated (yellow) photons are emitted by a nearby diamond excited by surface plasmons (red). (Credit: Raphael Pooser/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy)
An electron beam (teal) hits a nanodiamond, exciting plasmons and vibrations in the nanodiamond that interact with the sample’s nitrogen vacancy center defects. Correlated (yellow) photons are emitted from the nanodiamond, while uncorrelated (yellow) photons are emitted by a nearby diamond excited by surface plasmons (red). (Credit: Raphael Pooser/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy)

This report is found at ORNL…