Make the System More Lego-like? U.S. Marine Corps Believes So

“Quantum Questioning: A new technique feeds experimental measurements of a quantum system to an artificial neural network. The network learns over time and attempts to impersonate the quantum system’s behavior. With enough data, scientists can fully reconstruct the quantum system.”   Credit to Giuseppe Carleo (Flatiron Institute).  Click image for further details.

 Make the System More Lego-like? U.S. Marine Corps Believes So

At a recent technology summit, discussions focussed on U.S. Cyber Command and the U.S. Marine Corps’ Cybersecurity Division giving insight into the U.S. Department of Defense’s interest in quantum computing applications and blockchain enablement. Numerous challenges lay in the way; if the system is not “more Lego-like”, the implementation will not be accomplished seamlessly or timely. A few good quotes and comments are found at

This report is found at GCN…

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