JPMorgan and Quantum Oracles: Things to Come from Honeywell’s QV64 System?

JPMorgan and Quantum Oracles: Things to Come from Honeywell’s QV64 System?

Recommend reading from the source. Intriguing and captivating what we are starting to see in terms of applying quantum computing. Still nebulous and largely unproven, but quantum computing applications are getting “there”. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

JPMorgan Shows Its Chops in Quantum Computing. Here’s Why It Matters.

Points to note…

+  JPMorgan Chase (ticker: JPM) published data last week about one of its quantum-computing experiments demonstrating the bank’s growing expertise in that realm. The academic-style paper is a little Byzantine, but investors should pay attention, because they will be hearing more about quantum computing from other players, including Honeywell (HON), Microsoft (MSFT) and Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) in the near future.

“In this paper, we present a novel, canonical way to produce a quantum oracle from an algebraic expression,” the authors of the JPMorgan paper wrote. That’s a mouthful. Canonical, in this instance, appears to mean authoritative. And according to Microsoft, a quantum oracle is a “is a black box operation that is used as input to another algorithm.”

+  The Morgan team ran their experiment on “the new Honeywell computer based on trapped-ion technology with quantum volume 64.”

+  Today, quantum computers can still be beaten in most applications by traditional computers. But quantum power is growing. “The first Wright brother flight went 600 meters,” Christopher Savoie, founder and CEO of quantum computing firm Zapata Computing, said. He was explaining how to think of the current generation of quantum-computing technology. The Wright brothers flight happened in 1903 and by 1918 there were air forces around the globe.

Source:  Barron’s.  Al Root,  JPMorgan Shows Its Chops in Quantum Computing. Here’s Why It Matters…

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