The Shorts | 8/9/21 | Business and Industry in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of business and industry. Mea Cubitt

QUBT University | Quantum programming is new and complex, even more so than the quantum hardware itself. QUBT University gives you the opportunity to work with a variety of classical and quantum computers, using advanced quantum techniques. Without having to spend months to learn how to use a quantum SDK.  Source: Quantum Computing Inc.   QUBT University…

Quantum Computing: A New Solution for Supply Chain and Logistics Optimization | World events ranging from the Suez Canal blockage to the global COVID-19 pandemic have shown how susceptible our supply chain management and logistics systems are to changes in consumer and business demand, raw materials availability, shipping, and distribution. The field of constrained optimization is well matched to address these needs, yet today’s classical computers can hit a wall amidst growing volumes of data and unpredictable disruptions. New software solutions will combine the power of classical and quantum computing to help planners stay ahead.  Source: MH&L.   Quantum Computing: A New Solution for Supply Chain and Logistics Optimization…

From disruption to maturity: Evolution of digital R&D in chemicals | Digitalization has had a substantial impact on many aspects of the chemical industry, helping companies collaborate across their value chains, increase productivity and create new channels to markets. Research and development (R&D) is no exception, as companies have turned to digital technology to help accelerate the creation of new higher value and higher margin products.  Source: World Of Chemicals.   From disruption to maturity: Evolution of digital R&D in chemicals…

Volkswagen breaks new ground in automotive quantum computing | Quantum computing is still very much in its nascent phase with only a handful of organizations across various industries in the world making strides beyond research and into practical applications. Notably, German automaker Volkswagen has been working on applying it to the automotive industry for over five years now.  Source: T_HQ.   Volkswagen breaks new ground in automotive quantum computing…

What Makes a Successful Startup Team | When venture capital investors are doing due diligence, they focus carefully on the financial side of the business. Does the company have an interesting business model? How big is the addressable market? What are the growth plans of the company? They hire expensive experts and use advanced data tools to answer these questions and ensure that every financial detail is on the table.  Source: Harvard Business Reveiw.   What Makes a Successful Startup Team…

WHY GOLDMAN, JPMORGAN ARE BUILDING QUANTUM APPLICATIONS | To be clear, quantum computers still have a few years before they can provide a practical advantage over classical computers. But financial titans like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs aren’t waiting: they’re already building quantum-powered applications that will be ready to run on the more powerful quantum devices of the future.  Source: ValueWalk.   WHY GOLDMAN, JPMORGAN ARE BUILDING QUANTUM APPLICATIONS…

FinTech Australia CEO Rebecca Schot-Guppy is stepping down for a career in VC | FinTech Australia CEO Rebecca Schot-Guppy is stepping down after three years in the role for a new career in venture capital. Schot-Guppy, who’s overseen a massive rise in the prominence, number and market cap of fintechs – most notably Afterpay and Judo Bank amid the implementation of open banking – will step down at the end of October, heading to IAG’s Firemark Ventures, the $75 million VC fund of Australia’s largest general insurer.  Source: startupdaily.   FinTech Australia CEO Rebecca Schot-Guppy is stepping down for a career in VC…

2021 Best Insights From Quantum Computing Top Leaders | Quantum Computing (QC) proof of concept (POC) projects are growing in Q4 2021 with commercialization pilots by 2025 and broader adoption before 2030. Accelerated digital transformation and digital reshaping from the pandemic is driving investments and early IPOs (ex. Q1 announcement by IonQ). In my daily engagements’ pro bono with global communities (across governments, industry, computing and research organizations, NGOs, UN agencies, innovation hubs, think tanks) of more than 60K CEOs, 30K investors , 10K innovation leaders, I’m finding nearly 50% are planning pilots for QC in five years. There’s an understanding that the exponential lead provided by a breakthrough in QC warrants the early investment and learnings now since practical adoption will take years.  Source: Forbes.   2021 Best Insights From Quantum Computing Top Leaders…

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