U. Sydney Student’s Code Change Significantly Reduces Needed Resources for Error Detection and Correction; Amazon Takes Notice

Sydney student’s quantum code picked up by AWS

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+  A University of Sydney honours student’s quantum computing code is attracting global attention and will be used by cloud giant AWS and in leading US universities’ quantum programs.

“Quantum technology is in its infancy, partly because we haven’t been able to overcome the inherent instability in the machines that produce so many errors,” Mr Bonilla said. “In second-year physics I was asked to look at some commonly used error correcting code to see if we could improve it. By flipping half of the quantum switches, or qubits, in our design, we found we could effectively double our ability to suppress errors.”


+  By altering the code used for nearly two decades to correct errors in quantum computing, Mr Bonilla was able to significantly reduce the resources needed to detect and correct errors, effectively doubling the capacity to identify and fix these errors in quantum programs.

+  “In second-year physics I was asked to look at some commonly used error correcting code to see if we could improve it. By flipping half of the quantum switches, or qubits, in our design, we found we could effectively double our ability to suppress errors.”

+  On Tuesday, the university announced a refined method would be incorporated into the work of AWS’s quantum computing program, where one co-author of the research, Dr Steve Flammia, has since moved.

Source:  InnovationAus.  Joseph Brookes,  Sydney student’s quantum code picked up by AWS…

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