What Quantum Computing May Mean for Your Portfolio

What Quantum Computing May Mean for Your Portfolio

Whether you believe it is time to invest in quantum computing or not, there is much to consider. Take the risk on your own, do what you will, this author puts quantum computing as a “watch item.” Read from the source, below, to get the quick reasons. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

Is Quantum Computing Ready for Prime Time?

Points to note…

+  Quantum computing was named a breakout technology in 2017 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It showed up again on the list for 2020. Does that mean quantum computing is ready for prime time? Possibly. That is good news for the world, but the problem is few know what a quantum computer actually does—and investors don’t know what quantum computing means for their portfolio.

MIT put quantum computing back on its technology list in 2020 because a quantum computer with 53 qubits built by Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) did a calculation, in about three minutes, that would have taken a traditional computer 10,000 years. Quantum supremacy was demonstrated. Great. So when will consumers be buying a quantum desktop, and when will investors be bidding up Alphabet stock on exploding quantum sales?

+  The industry is still working out the hardware. “To reduce the noise, usually, you take qubits and string a bunch together to make a computing qubit,” explains Helmut Katzgraber, Microsoft quantum principal research manager.

+  For now, big tech is big quantum. Google, Microsoft, IBM (IBM), and Amazon.com (AMZN) have quantum aspirations. Honeywell has its toes in quantum waters too. It’s tough to buy any of those stock as a quantum investment yet.

+ Superconductor makers don’t talk about quantum computing much in filings either. And superconducting is only a $2 billion industry at the moment.

+ Quantum computing remains a watch item for investors—albeit an interesting one.

Source:  Barron’s.  Al Root,  Is Quantum Computing Ready for Prime Time?

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