Quantum at Scale
+ “Scaling quantum” starts with innovation efficiency and the ability to manufacture the necessary components. Large gains in this direction would come from shifting the burden of quantum-device engineering from research laboratories and prototype developers to the manufacturing sector and the supply chain.
Quantum technology can only fulfill its promise when it reaches a large scale and proves its value to society.
+ Another important element in scalability is access to universal cloud-based quantum computing resources. This access “democratizes quantum” by opening quantum computation to the broadest array of potential end users, and it speeds up innovation by giving more people the opportunity to explore new and diverse quantum computing applications.
+ Scalability will also rest on developing an “ecosystem” of stakeholders and on giving them the right education and training. Initiatives like the US Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C)—a public-private consortium of around 100 US corporations, national labs, and universities and one of the most tangible outgrowths of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative Act to date—is illustrative of the desire of institutions to engage with this high-potential technology.
Source: APS Physics. Joseph S. Broz, Irfan Siddiqi, Dario Gill, Quantum at Scale…
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