Baidu, Tencent, Microsoft, Alphabet: Good Quantum Computing Investments for 2021?

Fairly ye be warned, investing is tricky, we’re not providing advice here. Instead, we’re giving you what Zacks research believes could be several companies worth investing in due to their quantum computing endeavors.  The Qubit Report nexus is the Zacks quantum computing summarization of these tech megaliths.  Recommend reading from the source, below.  Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

4 Quantum Computing Stocks That Could be Hottest Bets for 2021

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+  Let us see what these companies are up to in the embryonic quantum computing field and what makes them compelling bets.

+  Beijing, China-based internet browser operator Baidu’s expertise in artificial intelligence and its growing focus on quantum computing makes it an inevitable pick.  The company has a dedicated institute for quantum computing named Baidu Quantum Computing Institute with the distinguished quantum computing expert Professor Runyao Duan at its helm. Duan intends to transform the institute into a top-notch establishment and integrate quantum computing tech across the company’s various business operations, especially AI.

+  Microsoft’s Quantum Network is growing with various kits and libraries meant for quantum machine-learning applications.  The tech giant’s cloud computing platform Azure unveiled a full-stack, open cloud ecosystem Azure Quantum, which is a diverse set of quantum services. In partnership with 1QBit, Honeywell, IonQ and QCI, the company strives to offer robust quantum solutions, software and hardware.

+  It may be noted that Microsoft’s cloud rival, Amazon has forayed into quantum computing space with Amazon Braket. Notably, Amazon Braket is a fully managed quantum computing service that enables customers to explore and experiment with quantum computing hardware by providing a single development environment to build quantum algorithms. Further, the service enables testing of these algorithms on quantum computers.

+  Another China-based Internet company Tencent is taking slow but steady strides in the quantum computing space.  In October 2019, the company announced that it will make an investment of 500 billion yuan (roughly $70 billion) over the upcoming five years in “new infrastructure” technology including cloud computing, AI, cybersecurity, blockchain, servers, quantum computing, big data centers, supercomputer centres, IoT operating systems and 5G networks to cash in on increasing demand for advanced business software and cloud services.

+  Meanwhile, Alphabet’s Google is striving to gain a competitive edge over International Business Machines. In fact, Google claimed Quantum Supremacy in 2019, on the back of Sycamore quantum computer, per its white paper.

+  However, the claim is disputed as researchers and other members in the quantum computing fraternity have been insisting on realistic application of the tech and not on paper.  Nonetheless, with open-source Python software toolkit (named Cirq), Google is aiding developers to experiment with quantum computing algorithms.  Moreover, open-source platform on GitHub, named OpenFermion, is aimed at developing robust quantum circuits by enhancing electronic structure package of quantum computers.  

+  Further, Google’s TensorFlow Quantum, an ML framework that can construct quantum data sets, prototype hybrid quantum and classic machine learning models, offers support to quantum circuit simulators, and train discriminative and generative quantum models

Source:  Zacks.  Radhika Pujara,  4 Quantum Computing Stocks That Could be Hottest Bets for 2021…

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