Chinese Firm Origin Quantum Claims to Rake in the Yuan While on the Quantum Computing Heels of IBM, Google, Intel, Rigetti

Take it at face value. This information flows from China to Nikkei Asia to us. A bit of propaganda, we would surmise. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

China’s Origin Quantum has raised funds to catch up with IBM

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+  Chinese quantum computing company Origin Quantum has raised additional funds in a Series A funding round in its bid to catch up with such leading players in the field as IBM and Google.

+ The round was led by China Internet Investment Fund, a government-affiliated fund, with additional participants, including China Reform Fund and CCB International.

+ The money raised will be spent on the development and production of quantum computers and quantum chips, and research on such core technologies as quantum measurement and control.

Currently, the company’s new 24-qubit computer is in the debugging stage and is expected to be launched in mid-February. It plans to roll out a 64-qubit machine at the end of this year or early next year.

Origin Quantum is about three years behind IBM in superconducting technology and two years behind Intel in quantum chip technology.


+  Origin Quantum is seeking to become a full-stack quantum computing company, which means doing everything from design and fabrication of quantum computing hardware based on quantum bits, or qubits, and quantum chips, to packaging the architecture needed to control the chips. It also offers a quantum computing cloud service that provides early hands-on experience with writing and testing software. Its key rivals are Google, IBM and Rigetti Computing, a Berkeley-based startup.

+  The company has developed all the quantum computing technologies for the machine, including the chip, the measurement and control system, related software and a cloud service that enables developers to begin writing quantum software applications and simulating them on a quantum virtual machine.

+ Currently, the company’s new 24-qubit computer is in the debugging stage and is expected to be launched in mid-February. It plans to roll out a 64-qubit machine at the end of this year or early next year.

Source:  Nikkei Asia (36kr).  LI ZIYUE,  China’s Origin Quantum has raised funds to catch up with IBM…

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