Brazil Opening Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing Dedicated to the Business Sector

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Atos and SENAI CIMATEC launch Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing in Brazil

Atos and SENAI CIMATEC, one of Brazil’s leading education, research and innovation institutes, announce Brazil’s first Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing dedicated to the business sector.

Located in Salvador, Bahia, the Latin America Quantum Computing Center (LAQCC) aims to promote the adoption of quantum technologies, provide training to build a local quantum computing workforce and encourage scientific research in the most diverse areas, such as chemistry and biology. The LAQCC will enable business users to build technological roadmaps and conduct impact studies, algorithm investigations and applied research projects.

“SENAI CIMATEC will be the first institution focused on Quantum Computing Technology – QCT in Bahia and one of the few nationwide. Our partnership with Atos positions us as a new player in the scientific and technological development of the disruptive branch of Quantum Computing”, says the director of Technology and Innovation at SENAI CIMATEC, Leone Peter Andrade.


The Center of Excellence will host Brazil’s first Atos Quantum Learning Machine (Atos QLM), the world’s most powerful quantum simulator. Named CIMATEC KUATOMU, the Atos QLM will leverage classic supercomputing hardware to simulate quantum systems and algorithms of up to 35 qubits. The Centre will focus on the exploration of the different applications of quantum computing and its integration with High Performance Computing (HPC technologies), in line with Atos’ ambition to launch a quantum accelerator by 2023.

With this infrastructure, SENAI CIMATEC will help users harness the power of supercomputing and quantum computing to deliver breakthroughs in areas that deal with large volumes of data, such as medicine, meteorology, geology, physics and oil and gas.

“Quantum computing is gaining traction in Brazil, where it is seen as a way to stimulate scientific research and entrepreneurship. We hope that the infrastructure and services provided by our new Center of Excellence will empower the Brazilian quantum ecosystem to grow and prepare for the quantum era. It is also a testament to Atos’ commitment to democratizing access to technologies that promise to deliver major advances in a wide variety of fields in the near future”, says Luis Casuscelli, Director of Big Data and Security at Atos South America.


Since its launch in 2017, the Atos Quantum Learning Machine (Atos QLM) has been used in numerous countries worldwide including FinlandFranceGermanyIndiaJapan, the UK and the United States, empowering major research programs in various sectors like industry or energy. Atos also recently launched “Q-score”, the first universal quantum metrics, applicable to all programmable quantum processors, measures a quantum system’s effectiveness at handling real-life problems, rather than simply measuring its theoretical performance.

Source:  Atos.  Marion Delmas,  Atos and SENAI CIMATEC launch Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing in Brazil…

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