Act Now to Get your Quantum Computing Chemical Computation Capabilities
Uses of quantum computers in the chemical industry is looking to be a forerunner to quantum computing’s widespread arrival. How chemical companies take on-board the cutting-edge technology could dictate the next chemical-industry leader, in short order. Yet, the world has not seen a fully functional quantum computer. First things first. Quantum is Coming. Qubit.
The next big thing? Quantum computing’s potential impact on chemicals
In brief…
+ Quantum computing, however, may be in a different league. That is because its capabilities could make it possible to significantly improve our understanding of systems governed by quantum mechanics, such as molecular structure and chemical reactions and processes—all at the core of the business of the chemical industry.
The chemical industry is poised to be an early beneficiary of the vastly expanded modeling and computational capabilities of quantum computing. Companies must act now to capture the benefits.
+ Players that are able to harness the potential of quantum computing could make better products at lower cost in less time.
+ What is the opportunity for the chemical industry? Quantum computing, built on a new approach to computing, uses the laws of quantum mechanics to increase the speed of certain calculations far beyond the capabilities of classical computers (see sidebar, “What are the basics of quantum computing?”). For the chemical industry, the new quantum-computing capabilities open up the possibility of modeling quantum-mechanical systems, such as molecules, polymers, and solids, at a totally different level of precision. It would thus be possible to identify the most effective molecular designs or structures to accomplish specific tasks and achieve required effects—before synthesizing a single molecule in the lab.
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