Nu Quantum Adds to Its Coffers With £2.1M in Funding 

Cambridge quantum tech firm Nu Quantum raises £2.1m

+  Quantum photonics firm Nu Quantum has raised £2.1m in Seed funding to accelerate the commercialisation of its hardware.

Dr Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, CEO, Nu Quantum, said: “Our aim is to enable the potential of quantum mechanics using quantum photonics hardware. This funding will allow us to do just that – a world-class multidisciplinary team and our new laboratories will give Nu Quantum the ability to deliver meaningful demonstrations of our technology into the hands of customers and partners for the first time.”


+  The funding will go towards a state-of-the-art photonics lab in Cambridge and a major recruitment drive for scientists, product team members and business functions as the company approaches the launch of its first commercial technology demonstration.

+  Nu Quantum is a partner in the consortium led by the National Physical Laboratory, developing the UK standard for quantum random number generation, a project which was awarded £2.8m from the UK government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.

Source:  BusinessCloud.  Alistair Hardaker,  Cambridge quantum tech firm Nu Quantum raises £2.1m…

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