South Korea’s Hydro & Nuclear Power Operator Set to Receive Quantum Cryptographic Communications Capability

SK Telecom leads establishment of pilot infrastructure for quantum cryptographic communication

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+  A consortium led by SK Telecom has been selected for a state project to establish and operate a pilot infrastructure for quantum cryptographic communication. The project is to secure the stability of emergency communication networks in key industrial facilities such as nuclear power plants and strengthen the protection of key data and personal information held by public institutions.

SKT will establish a heterogeneous quantum cryptographic network of the Korea Advanced Research Network (KOREN), a test network that supports feasibility and suitability verification of all technologies for the efficient construction of high-speed information and communication networks.


+  The consortium involving SK Telecom (SKT), SK Broadband, ID Quantigue (IDQ) and Ubiquitous Revolution Information Technology (URIT) has secured an order from the state-run Korea Information Society Agency (NIA) to set up quantum cryptographic communication at Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, the operator of nuclear power plants, and six other sites.

+  SKT said that quantum cryptography communication would protect hydrogen car parts technologies at Pyung Hwa Holdings, personal information data acquired by autonomous robots at Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, and security video data kept by ADT Caps, a physical security company.

Source:  Aju Business Daily.  Lim Chang-wan,  SK Telecom leads establishment of pilot infrastructure for quantum cryptographic communication…

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