Quantum Information Science is Ramping Up at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The Computational Science Initiative at Brookhaven Lab is expanding efforts in quantum information science through a newly formed Quantum Computing Group.
The national lab is at the forefront of computing technologies. Known for leading data management and analysis needs, quantum computing is seen as one computing technology which may be of significant use to the lab’s efforts.
Several new aspects of the initiative are the evaluation and the design of QIS system architectures. Alongisde the architecture design is the development of system-level support and algorithms needed to fully exploit new quantum information science architectures.
Further, the QCG is building relationships with leading experts in quantum computing field from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, and Harvard University, to name several.
Finally, “[I]In house, CSI is building its QIS expertise through educating existing staff, hiring new personnel, and hosting students, such as those participating in DOE’s Computational Science Graduate Fellowship.”
“By leveraging the wealth of quantum expertise at leading universities and in industry, this collaboration seeks to impact a broad range of areas—for example, theoretical and experimental materials science and condensed matter physics, devices and system software, and algorithms and computational applications.”
This initiative to give quantum information science a boost is being funded, at least in part, through the U.S. Department of Energy.
Reference is found at Brookhaven National Lab…