Danna Freedman Awarded for Quantum Computing Work
Five faculty honored with Presidential Early Career Awards
In brief…
+ Established in 1996, the PECASE honors the contributions of scientists and engineers in the advancement of science, technology, education and mathematics (STEM) through scientific education, community outreach and public education. It is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. The White House, following recommendations from participating federal agencies, confers the awards.
Nominated by the National Science Foundation, Freedman received the PECASE for her work on quantum computing.
+ Freedman and her team create and implement novel design principles to synthesize better qubits, the smallest unit of a quantum computer.
+ Freedman and her research group focus on three vital challenges in physics: enabling quantum information processing, creating new permanent magnets and discovering new superconductors.
Source: Northwestern Now. Northwestern, Five faculty honored with Presidential Early Career Awards…
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