South Africa Looking to Amp Up 4th Industrial Revolution Workforce Skills
Government commits to digital skills revolution
Excerpts and salient points ~
+ South Africa is committing to the delivery of a ‘skills revolution’ to enable human capital to match the rapid evolution of the digital economy. President Cyril Ramaphosa promised the training of one-million youth in data science and related skills by 2030, as well as the embedding of critical digital subjects within the basic education system.
“Thus, we have endeavoured to ensure that skills development is an important pillar to position the nation for 4IR,” she assures.
+ “We need to work across sectors to develop the technology required for us to leapfrog across eons of poverty, unemployment and inequality, and, in so doing, create a new world order that prioritises humanity before profits and power.”
+ The Department of Science and Innovation is contributing to building the required capabilities through support programmes, such as the South African Research Chairs Initiative and other targeted human capital and development initiatives. These include programmes in data science, analytics, additives manufacturing, AI, robotics and quantum technologies.
Source: ENGINEERING NEWS. Natasha Odendaal, Government commits to digital skills revolution…
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